"Healthy living is a LIFESTYLE, it doesn't stop when you reach your goals."
Throughout this journey I'm constantly spending time reflecting upon how I got to where I am today from where I was less than a year ago. I've lost weight, lost inches, lost excuses, lost friends, and gained better health, more happiness, way more confidence, new friends, and a new sustainable lifestyle. I get asked "what's your secret?" a lot .....well the hard truth and the fact of the matter is that when it comes to health and fitness there IS NO SECRET and there IS NO QUICK FIX! Hard work, determination, perseverance, sweat, tears, frustration, guilt, belief, focus, healthy food choices.....you get where I'm going. THOSE are only some of the immediate words that come to mind to describe the reality of the situation. I've never been one to look into the most recent fad or quick fix, in fact I'm the last person to even know name brands or the newest fashion. I like to think I'm a low maintenance girl and while I do read up on things that interest me (though not even to great extent) I'm usually the last person to learn about or follow the latest fad. I'm that girl who was anti texting when it was super cool, who avoided skinny jeans like the plague, who wouldn't be caught dead in UGGS, and had no idea who or what Louis Vuitton was ahahahahah. Yep that's me!
The reason I mention this is because I'm asked a lot about what I think of x,y, or z diet, pill, cleanse etc. I don't know much of anything about any of it, and maybe that's because I'm closed minded to even researching them because in my heart of hearts I personally believe in the process of working out and eating healthy, well-balanced meals. In no way am I judging or condemning anyone who chooses any other way but when confronted with the "what's your secret" question I only ever have one answer. I put in the hard work and THAT's how I got to where I am today.
I believe in balance and sustainability. I'm not saying I'm perfect AT ALL, as I'm still learning to find my balance. Like life itself, balance will be ever changing, it will never be static, and if it is, then you're not changing and growing. Your balance will always shift and change when you're on this journey and that's part of the beauty of it - especially when you have so many people to share it with and learn from, like I do. When you're making a lifestyle change, which is exactly what this is for me - not a fad or a quick fix - it has to be sustainable. If you go to the extreme and don't allow for concessions, cheats, treats, missed days, weeks off, vacations, what-have-you, you're surely going to face some challenges down the road. This HAS to be sustainable. I firmly believe that sustainability = success, at least if you're planning on maintaining the changes that you're making! Finding a balance that works with your schedule, your family, your values, beliefs, and desires, is what's going to help you achieve success in this journey!
The reason I mention this is because I'm asked a lot about what I think of x,y, or z diet, pill, cleanse etc. I don't know much of anything about any of it, and maybe that's because I'm closed minded to even researching them because in my heart of hearts I personally believe in the process of working out and eating healthy, well-balanced meals. In no way am I judging or condemning anyone who chooses any other way but when confronted with the "what's your secret" question I only ever have one answer. I put in the hard work and THAT's how I got to where I am today.
I believe in balance and sustainability. I'm not saying I'm perfect AT ALL, as I'm still learning to find my balance. Like life itself, balance will be ever changing, it will never be static, and if it is, then you're not changing and growing. Your balance will always shift and change when you're on this journey and that's part of the beauty of it - especially when you have so many people to share it with and learn from, like I do. When you're making a lifestyle change, which is exactly what this is for me - not a fad or a quick fix - it has to be sustainable. If you go to the extreme and don't allow for concessions, cheats, treats, missed days, weeks off, vacations, what-have-you, you're surely going to face some challenges down the road. This HAS to be sustainable. I firmly believe that sustainability = success, at least if you're planning on maintaining the changes that you're making! Finding a balance that works with your schedule, your family, your values, beliefs, and desires, is what's going to help you achieve success in this journey!