TRUTH.....many people "know" how important it is to eat breakfast....telling our kids to eat it so their minds will be stronger and their bodies will have energy to function at school/preschool/daycare etc. but many of YOU actually listen to your own advice?
Even before having kids......I didn't actually LISTEN to the whole breakfast thing......I would drink coffee till 1-2pm and THEN I would eat something and then nothing again till dinner time.
TRUTH: that is one of the leading causes of weight gain, among other things. By NOT eating small frequent meals throughout the day, you are allowing your metabolism to SLOW RIGHT DOWN, and hang onto whatever it was that you last fed it, typically storing it as FAT so that it can rely on that source for energy when it's BONKING OUT.
If you're doing this, you're more likely to fee sluggish, exhausted, lack significant brain functionality, be irritable, and YEP the big one, struggle with losing any weight, despite, maybe the fact that you're also going to the gym or working out on the daily!
YOU MUST fuel your body with FOOD.....nutrition that will keep your metabolism running! Think of your body like a well does your car function on fumes???? NOT SO WELL.....and we know that if our oil is frequently changed and topped up, we will also see improved function.......the SAME goes for your body! Feed your body frequently so it has fuel to burn. When you feed it, it processes food, which means that it's using it as fuel and converting into various sources.....this means your body is NOT storing it as's USING it.
TRUTH: many people think that eating MORE food will cause them to gain weight - WRONG......feed it small frequent meals (breakfast, mid morning snack, lunch, mid afternoon snack, and dinner) so that it can continue running and burning and you WILL see an improvement in your energy, functionality, AND you will start to lose weight without even HAVING to do any activity!
NO may think breakfast isn't important, like I did, and continue on with your habits, but I urge you to try to transition......Eat within 30-45 minutes of waking.......listen to your tummy when it growls at you a few hours later, FEED IT......and repeat until dinnertime (3 meals and 2 snacks later).......and I PROMISE you will start to see steady change that will have you craving more change!
I wish I had listened sooner!!!!!!
Even before having kids......I didn't actually LISTEN to the whole breakfast thing......I would drink coffee till 1-2pm and THEN I would eat something and then nothing again till dinner time.
TRUTH: that is one of the leading causes of weight gain, among other things. By NOT eating small frequent meals throughout the day, you are allowing your metabolism to SLOW RIGHT DOWN, and hang onto whatever it was that you last fed it, typically storing it as FAT so that it can rely on that source for energy when it's BONKING OUT.
If you're doing this, you're more likely to fee sluggish, exhausted, lack significant brain functionality, be irritable, and YEP the big one, struggle with losing any weight, despite, maybe the fact that you're also going to the gym or working out on the daily!
YOU MUST fuel your body with FOOD.....nutrition that will keep your metabolism running! Think of your body like a well does your car function on fumes???? NOT SO WELL.....and we know that if our oil is frequently changed and topped up, we will also see improved function.......the SAME goes for your body! Feed your body frequently so it has fuel to burn. When you feed it, it processes food, which means that it's using it as fuel and converting into various sources.....this means your body is NOT storing it as's USING it.
TRUTH: many people think that eating MORE food will cause them to gain weight - WRONG......feed it small frequent meals (breakfast, mid morning snack, lunch, mid afternoon snack, and dinner) so that it can continue running and burning and you WILL see an improvement in your energy, functionality, AND you will start to lose weight without even HAVING to do any activity!
NO may think breakfast isn't important, like I did, and continue on with your habits, but I urge you to try to transition......Eat within 30-45 minutes of waking.......listen to your tummy when it growls at you a few hours later, FEED IT......and repeat until dinnertime (3 meals and 2 snacks later).......and I PROMISE you will start to see steady change that will have you craving more change!
I wish I had listened sooner!!!!!!