Something I come across often is that people truly WANT to change......they really and truly do, mostly because they lack self-esteem, confidence, and self-love, for whatever reason.
Fitness and nutrition are typically one avenue that many seek to embrace to embark on a new journey, working on the aforementioned lacks above.........
It truly is a journey...and one that is So much more emotional, psychological, and mental than it is physical. The physical byproducts and benefits are absolutely incredible.......but just wait till you surprise yourself with the internal changes.........THOSE are what make us truly stronger......from the inside-out.
It takes in and day out......if it was easy, everyone would be doing it. No one said that CHANGE is easy......especially when it takes consistent effort, dedication, and determination.......but when you are surrounded by like-minded people, and those are have or are also traveling the journey......they GET what you're experiencing........they KNOW the ups, downs, and in-betweens of a journey like this........
CHANGE begins with you......You have to want to change more than you want to stay the same, and have the ability to self-motivate, self-inspire, and self-propel...........Others can be there to support and encourage you, but they cannot do the work for you.....that's all on YOU. Pointing fingers or blame gaming won't get your anywhere. Own your journey.......make it yours.....and commit to baby steps/changes EVERY SINGLE DAY........
Be prepared for a whole new WORLD of LIFE to happen........Self-love starts with you........but spreads SO far......the impact you can have on others simply by working on YOU is HUGE.........but it all starts with YOU.
My thoughts on this beautiful Hump day
<3 Coach Alida
Fitness and nutrition are typically one avenue that many seek to embrace to embark on a new journey, working on the aforementioned lacks above.........
It truly is a journey...and one that is So much more emotional, psychological, and mental than it is physical. The physical byproducts and benefits are absolutely incredible.......but just wait till you surprise yourself with the internal changes.........THOSE are what make us truly stronger......from the inside-out.
It takes in and day out......if it was easy, everyone would be doing it. No one said that CHANGE is easy......especially when it takes consistent effort, dedication, and determination.......but when you are surrounded by like-minded people, and those are have or are also traveling the journey......they GET what you're experiencing........they KNOW the ups, downs, and in-betweens of a journey like this........
CHANGE begins with you......You have to want to change more than you want to stay the same, and have the ability to self-motivate, self-inspire, and self-propel...........Others can be there to support and encourage you, but they cannot do the work for you.....that's all on YOU. Pointing fingers or blame gaming won't get your anywhere. Own your journey.......make it yours.....and commit to baby steps/changes EVERY SINGLE DAY........
Be prepared for a whole new WORLD of LIFE to happen........Self-love starts with you........but spreads SO far......the impact you can have on others simply by working on YOU is HUGE.........but it all starts with YOU.
My thoughts on this beautiful Hump day
<3 Coach Alida