I don't know about YOU but I can honestly say, while I'm not proud of some things I've done......I DO NOT regret them! If I regret them, to me that says that I wish I had never done what I did and it says that I didn't learn from doing it.
I've done some shameful things in my life (University/hometown friends you know what I'm talking about - or maybe you forget cause in reality it wasn't a big deal).......but I've never once said that I regret it. What I've done has helped to define who I am today and I have to admit that I'm pretty damned proud of where I'm at. I will continue to learn and grow and work on creating the best version of myself but I refuse to feel shame for my past "mistakes".
I refuse to settle......I refuse to stop learning....I refuse to believe that I cannot do more with my life.
I hope that if you've made "mistakes" in your life that you've taken time to acknowledge "it"......make amends if necessary......take responsibility for your actions.....find a way to improve yourself......and be a better version of YOU.
I find that so many people get caught up in playing the victim....blaming everything and everyone but themselves for their situation and life circumstance. WE have the ability to make decisions and if you made a shady decision....OWN IT.....don't evade it and play the blame game. STRENGTH comes from acknowledging our mistakes and being BIG ENOUGH to OWN THEM and LEARN FROM THEM. If you're caught up in playing the blame game.....always thinking that someone else or something else did you wrong, I urge you to STOP....take a look in the mirror.....face the facts.....acknowledge your shit......and GROW UP! Make a change.....it's not too late! Don't regret what you've done but LIVE AND LEARN! By repeating the same old mistakes time and again.......you're not stopping the cycle.......STOP THE CYCLE.....you're worth more than you're giving yourself. BE MORE....DO MORE.......
That. Is. All.
I've done some shameful things in my life (University/hometown friends you know what I'm talking about - or maybe you forget cause in reality it wasn't a big deal).......but I've never once said that I regret it. What I've done has helped to define who I am today and I have to admit that I'm pretty damned proud of where I'm at. I will continue to learn and grow and work on creating the best version of myself but I refuse to feel shame for my past "mistakes".
I refuse to settle......I refuse to stop learning....I refuse to believe that I cannot do more with my life.
I hope that if you've made "mistakes" in your life that you've taken time to acknowledge "it"......make amends if necessary......take responsibility for your actions.....find a way to improve yourself......and be a better version of YOU.
I find that so many people get caught up in playing the victim....blaming everything and everyone but themselves for their situation and life circumstance. WE have the ability to make decisions and if you made a shady decision....OWN IT.....don't evade it and play the blame game. STRENGTH comes from acknowledging our mistakes and being BIG ENOUGH to OWN THEM and LEARN FROM THEM. If you're caught up in playing the blame game.....always thinking that someone else or something else did you wrong, I urge you to STOP....take a look in the mirror.....face the facts.....acknowledge your shit......and GROW UP! Make a change.....it's not too late! Don't regret what you've done but LIVE AND LEARN! By repeating the same old mistakes time and again.......you're not stopping the cycle.......STOP THE CYCLE.....you're worth more than you're giving yourself. BE MORE....DO MORE.......
That. Is. All.