This week is a brand new start for so many people!!!
Getting started is HARD....often harder than we think. And while we may have goals and plans....the reality is that sometimes we allow our minds to get the best of us and give up too quickly! We have a little bump or many bumps which combine to make us waver in our confidence and self-esteem!
We may struggle through the workouts....feeling like complete failures....not making it through the whole minute, or the whole set....or not being able to keep up.......stopping during the moves, shaking our head, cursing, some even crying as they try to push through.....THESE are all real, true emotions and feelings that many will experience as they get started!!!
This journey is a process.....its effing hard man....especially in the beginning - we are so used to a certain way of being, and this healthy lifestyle stuff is so easy to let go of when outside factors and noise cloud our minds!!!!! Fast food and junk everywhere at the office....temptations everywhere you turn......
what i can tell you is that......
THE GRATIFICATION OF SAYING NO....OF MAKING HEALTHY CHOICES is such a great feeling! Relish in those feelings when you choose the path that aligns with your goals. HELL I wanna hear about it in here......POST about your WINS....what are you doing that's helping you reach your goals NOW.......that you previously didnt really worry about........every decision you make is part of the process and IT MATTERS........every step of your journey is worth celebrating....the ups, the downs, and the in-betweens!!!
Congratulations team......2016 is off to a great start!