For those of you who are still wondering “what does she do”, let me tell you! I am an Independent Team Beachbody Coach which means that I provide FREE support, encouragement, and motivation to those who join my private group to help them reach their health and fitness goals! You do NOT have to be working through a Beachbody program to be part of the team! We have a very mixed variety of members who are each doing what they find works best for them. While I firmly believe that Beachbody programs are geniously designed to be paired with a nutritious diet (including Shakeology), and deliver results when individuals are committed to it, this is NOT a requirement! Why do I do something for FREE you ask? Because I’ve been there! I KNOW what it’s like to look in the mirror every day and dislike the reflection that stares back at you! I KNOW what it’s like to have poor self-image and know that it doesn’t matter how many times someone tries to convince me that I’ll feel better if I just go to the gym……like a bad habit, I KNOW that you NEED to WANT to do it YOURSELF in order for you to COMMIT! You may have tired numerous times in the past to lose those dreaded pounds or drop a few pants sizes – believe it or not I TOO have been there! My husband has always been active in the gym and has been a CONSTANT inspiration to me, but until the switch clicked for me, I wasn’t ready. I firmly believe that FITNESS + NUTRITION + PEER SUPPORT = SUCCESS. I gained HUGE momentum when I joined my COACH’s support group….which is why I decided to become a COACH!
I WANT to help YOU be HAPPY with YOURSELF. I WANT YOU to FEEL as good as you know you are on the inside! I’m not all about outside image, contrary to what many may think. Feeling good about yourself plays a huge role in the way that you carry and project yourself, which carries over into every facet of YOUR life. I want to help make a difference. I’m a MOM just like many of you who felt that “there’s no hope”. Our bodies change so dramatically with pregnancy and childbirth – it’s so easy to think that that’s it for our bodies. NOT TRUE! OBVIOUSLY NOT TRUE!!! I’ve done EVERY LITTLE BIT of this at home with my girls. I started in October of 2012 at a weight of 164 and in a size 10 and am now 127 and in a size 0-1. I work hard, I eat clean, I have an amazing support network who push me every day to achieve goals I never imagined possible and YOU can do it too! I’m a happier MOM, WIFE and PERSON overall because of the changes I have made.
PLEASE, send me a private message if you’re READY to commit to this change for YOU!!! Having a group environment to support and hold you accountable throughout your journey makes a world of difference. If you’re interested in learning more about Team Beachbody, the programs or products, please contact me. I can help you sign up for a FREE account which makes me YOUR PERSONAL SUPPORT COACH. I’m HERE to help YOU reach your goals for FREE. Our group is growing and we are, together, creating happier, healthier US, one workout, one meal, one day at a time.
I WANT to help YOU be HAPPY with YOURSELF. I WANT YOU to FEEL as good as you know you are on the inside! I’m not all about outside image, contrary to what many may think. Feeling good about yourself plays a huge role in the way that you carry and project yourself, which carries over into every facet of YOUR life. I want to help make a difference. I’m a MOM just like many of you who felt that “there’s no hope”. Our bodies change so dramatically with pregnancy and childbirth – it’s so easy to think that that’s it for our bodies. NOT TRUE! OBVIOUSLY NOT TRUE!!! I’ve done EVERY LITTLE BIT of this at home with my girls. I started in October of 2012 at a weight of 164 and in a size 10 and am now 127 and in a size 0-1. I work hard, I eat clean, I have an amazing support network who push me every day to achieve goals I never imagined possible and YOU can do it too! I’m a happier MOM, WIFE and PERSON overall because of the changes I have made.
PLEASE, send me a private message if you’re READY to commit to this change for YOU!!! Having a group environment to support and hold you accountable throughout your journey makes a world of difference. If you’re interested in learning more about Team Beachbody, the programs or products, please contact me. I can help you sign up for a FREE account which makes me YOUR PERSONAL SUPPORT COACH. I’m HERE to help YOU reach your goals for FREE. Our group is growing and we are, together, creating happier, healthier US, one workout, one meal, one day at a time.